Natural toothbrush restores life in the desert, literally. Salvadora persica is best suited in a dry environment, under the stress of salt in the air, low humidity with high temperature. It is one of the few plants that have the ability to start living even in dry and lonely places.
It is a very noble tree, and every part of it has a vital role in the life cycle. The roots are harvested, as you know – to brush your teeth. They are known as miswak, sewak, peel, or natural toothbrush. Each name is associated with a different tradition and comes from elsewhere.
The tree grows fast and creates protection from the sun. It gives the possibility of other vegetation to grow. The tree body provides many animals with home and food. From miniature insects to big mammals! Different bird species reside in Salvadora’s crowns and feed on its fruits. Leaves and twigs nibble on dikdics, antelopes, goats, giraffes, and camels. It is for camels and wandering tribes at Sindh, the primary source of food in the coastal strip.

Can be eaten raw, cooked, or dried. They are sweet, contain about 1.75% sugar. They have an aromatic and slightly spicy taste. Also, fermented drinks are made out of it. Fruits have deobstruent (leaching of blockages in the body), carminative (removal of gas from the intestines), lithontriptic (destroys stones in the kidneys and bladders), and gastric properties.
Salvador is a tonic for the liver, cleans the intestines, treats inflammation, a diuretic (for swelling), an analgesic (for pain relief), an anthelmintic (acts against parasitic helminths), scabies, leukoderma (loss of pigment), digestive gonorrheas problems, strengthening teeth and many more. In Punjab, leaves are considered an antidote to poisonous snake bites, and in Mumbai, joints are treated by the leaves against rheumatism. The leaf juice is a remedy for scurvy.
Contain 30% oil that is pressed and cleaned. It is a substitute for coconut oil and is also used to make soaps and detergents. Wood is very light and easy to work with. Due to its strong aroma, it is not attacked by termites. It is used for heating. The bark is added to snuff.

Do you know why his name is the Savior? It breathes life into the wilderness while taking care of all living around. Unfortunately, its effects fit in the past with the advent of production and modern technology. That’s why we say join forces! Let’s connect technology with nature. Let’s arrange 100% use of the potential offered by Salvadora. Why and how to use Salvadora in everyday life?
Farmers are trying to grow profitable crops, and often Salvadora is cut down to make space for new fields. In the worst case, it can mean a catastrophe for the farmer by taking control of the field. What if we use the natural toothbrushes to support the cultivation and use of Salvadora? Securing farmers and animals in extreme conditions, restoring barren land.
This beautiful tree can unite us in cooperation, restore the old habit, save waste, and cure our pains and prejudices.